Stonyford Rodeo Parade
Saturday, May 3rd @ 10:00 am
‘The parade route starts at the Indian Valley Elementary School and makes its way through town to end at the Rodeo Grounds. The parade will start at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Contestants need to sign in with parade officials in the elementary school parking lot by 9:30 a.m.
The theme of this year’s parade is “Ridin’ Ropin’ Rockin n Rollin”. Join us as we celebrate the spirit of our community. We are excited to announce our Grand Marshals for the 2025 Parade. Congratulations to George and Linda Corbin!
For parade-entry information, please call Summer (530-592-7904). Be sure to mark your calendars and join us for a memorable event. Remember, the parade will start promptly at 10:00 a.m., so don’t miss out! Sign in early and secure your place in this year’s Rodeo Parade. See you there!
- Float – Decorated Platforms
- Marching Bands
- Dance/Drill Teams – Steady walking forwards in either rhythmic or route-step time
- Cars/Vehicles – For vintage cars, pickup trucks, or other standard vehicles, typically decorated.
- Motorcycle
- Tractor/Agricultural Vehicle – For tractors, vintage farm equipment, or similar heavy-duty rigs
- Buggy or Wagon – Horse-drawn carriage
- Mounted Group – horse riding group
- Single Horse Rider
- Novelty – Different, new, or unusual
- Public Service Vehicles – Will not be Judged

- Car club – First Place: Kip Trombley 1964 Mustang
- Buggy or Wagon – First Place: Rudy Helmuth Quanta Express Stagecoach
- Float- First Place: Stonyford Community Church
- Mounted Group – First Place: Old West Sheriff Posse